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//Download by http://www.NewXing.com#include "StdAfx.h"#include "RegUtil.h"#include "Iphlpapi.h" #pragma comment(lib, "Iphlpapi.lib") CRegUtil::CRegUtil(void){} CRegUtil::~CRegUtil(void){} #define  FILE_DEVICE_SCSI              0x0000001b#define  IOCTL_SCSI_MINIPORT_IDENTIFY  ( ( FILE_DEVICE_SCSI << 16 ) + 0x0501 ) #define  IOCTL_SCSI_MINIPORT 0x0004D008  //  see NTDDSCSI.H for definition #define  IDENTIFY_BUFFER_SIZE  512#define  SENDIDLENGTH  ( sizeof( SENDCMDOUTPARAMS ) + IDENTIFY_BUFFER_SIZE ) #define  IDE_ATAPI_IDENTIFY  0xA1  //  Returns ID sector for ATAPI.#define  IDE_ATA_IDENTIFY    0xEC  //  Returns ID sector for ATA.#define  DFP_RECEIVE_DRIVE_DATA   0x0007c088 typedef struct _IDSECTOR{    USHORT  wGenConfig;    USHORT  wNumCyls;    USHORT  wReserved;    USHORT  wNumHeads;    USHORT  wBytesPerTrack;    USHORT  wBytesPerSector;    USHORT  wSectorsPerTrack;    USHORT  wVendorUnique[3];    CHAR    sSerialNumber[20];    USHORT  wBufferType;    USHORT  wBufferSize;    USHORT  wECCSize;    CHAR    sFirmwareRev[8];    CHAR    sModelNumber[40];    USHORT  wMoreVendorUnique;    USHORT  wDoubleWordIO;    USHORT  wCapabilities;    USHORT  wReserved1;    USHORT  wPIOTiming;    USHORT  wDMATiming;    USHORT  wBS;    USHORT  wNumCurrentCyls;    USHORT  wNumCurrentHeads;    USHORT  wNumCurrentSectorsPerTrack;    ULONG   ulCurrentSectorCapacity;    USHORT  wMultSectorStuff;    ULONG   ulTotalAddressableSectors;    USHORT  wSingleWordDMA;    USHORT  wMultiWordDMA;    BYTE    bReserved[128];} IDSECTOR, *PIDSECTOR; typedef struct _DRIVERSTATUS {    BYTE  bDriverError;  //  Error code from driver, or 0 if no error.    BYTE  bIDEStatus;    //  Contents of IDE Error reGISter.    //  Only valid when bDriverError is SMART_IDE_ERROR.    BYTE  bReserved[2];  //  Reserved for future expansion.    DWORD  dwReserved[2];  //  Reserved for future expansion.} DRIVERSTATUS, *PDRIVERSTATUS, *LPDRIVERSTATUS; typedef struct _SENDCMDOUTPARAMS{    DWORD         cBufferSize;   //  Size of bBuffer in bytes    DRIVERSTATUS  DriverStatus;  //  Driver status structure.    BYTE          bBuffer[1];    //  Buffer of arbitrary length in which to store the data read from the                                                       // drive.} SENDCMDOUTPARAMS, *PSENDCMDOUTPARAMS, *LPSENDCMDOUTPARAMS; typedef struct _SRB_IO_CONTROL{    ULONG HeaderLength;    UCHAR Signature[8];    ULONG Timeout;    ULONG ControlCode;    ULONG ReturnCode;    ULONG Length;} SRB_IO_CONTROL, *PSRB_IO_CONTROL; typedef struct _IDEREGS{    BYTE bFeaturesReg;       // Used for specifying SMART "commands".    BYTE bSectorCountReg;    // IDE sector count register    BYTE bSectorNumberReg;   // IDE sector number register    BYTE bCylLowReg;         // IDE low order cylinder value    BYTE bCylHighReg;        // IDE high order cylinder value    BYTE bDriveHeadReg;      // IDE drive/head register    BYTE bCommandReg;        // Actual IDE command.    BYTE bReserved;          // reserved for future use.  Must be zero.} IDEREGS, *PIDEREGS, *LPIDEREGS; typedef struct _SENDCMDINPARAMS{    DWORD     cBufferSize;   //  Buffer size in bytes    IDEREGS   irDriveRegs;   //  Structure with drive register values.    BYTE bDriveNumber;       //  Physical drive number to send    //  command to (0,1,2,3).    BYTE bReserved[3];       //  Reserved for future expansion.    DWORD     dwReserved[4]; //  For future use.    BYTE      bBuffer[1];    //  Input buffer.} SENDCMDINPARAMS, *PSENDCMDINPARAMS, *LPSENDCMDINPARAMS; typedef struct _GETVERSIONOUTPARAMS{    BYTE bVersion;      // Binary driver version.    BYTE bRevision;     // Binary driver revision.    BYTE bReserved;     // Not used.    BYTE bIDEDeviceMap; // Bit map of IDE devices.    DWORD fCapabilities; // Bit mask of driver capabilities.    DWORD dwReserved[4]; // For future use.} GETVERSIONOUTPARAMS, *PGETVERSIONOUTPARAMS, *LPGETVERSIONOUTPARAMS; // //结构定义typedef struct _UNICODE_STRING{    USHORT  Length;//长度    USHORT  MaximUMLength;//最大长度    PWSTR  Buffer;//缓存指针} UNICODE_STRING,*PUNICODE_STRING; typedef struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES{    ULONG Length;//长度 18h    HANDLE RootDirectory;//  00000000    PUNICODE_STRING ObjectName;//指向对象名的指针    ULONG Attributes;//对象属性00000040h    PVOID SecurityDescriptor;        // Points to type SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR,0    PVOID SecurityQualityOfService;  // Points to type SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE,0} OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES;typedef OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES; //函数指针变量类型typedef DWORD  (__stdcall *ZWOS )( PHANDLE,ACCESS_MASK,POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES);typedef DWORD  (__stdcall *ZWMV )( HANDLE,HANDLE,PVOID,ULONG,ULONG,PLARGE_INTEGER,PSIZE_T,DWORD,ULONG,ULONG);typedef DWORD  (__stdcall *ZWUMV )( HANDLE,PVOID); BOOL WinNTHDSerialNumAsScsiRead( BYTE* dwSerial, UINT* puSerialLen, UINT uMaxSerialLen ){    BOOL bInfoLoaded = FALSE;         for( int iController = 0; iController < 2; ++ iController )    {        HANDLE hScsiDriveIOCTL = 0;                WCHAR   szDriveName[256];                 //  Try to get a handle to PhysicalDrive IOCTL, report failure        //  and exit if can't.        swprintf(szDriveName, _T("\\\\.\\Scsi%d:"), iController);         //  Windows NT, Windows 2000, any rights should do        hScsiDriveIOCTL = CreateFile( szDriveName,            GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,            FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL,            OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);         // if (hScsiDriveIOCTL == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)        //    printf ("Unable to open SCSI controller %d, error code: 0x%lX\n",        //            controller, GetLastError ());                 if( hScsiDriveIOCTL != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )        {            int iDrive = 0;            for( iDrive = 0; iDrive < 2; ++ iDrive )            {                char szBuffer[sizeof( SRB_IO_CONTROL ) + SENDIDLENGTH] = { 0 };                 SRB_IO_CONTROL* p = ( SRB_IO_CONTROL* )szBuffer;                SENDCMDINPARAMS* pin = ( SENDCMDINPARAMS* )( szBuffer + sizeof( SRB_IO_CONTROL ) );                DWORD dwResult;                 p->HeaderLength = sizeof( SRB_IO_CONTROL );                p->Timeout = 10000;                p->Length = SENDIDLENGTH;                p->ControlCode = IOCTL_SCSI_MINIPORT_IDENTIFY;                strncpy((char*)p->Signature, "SCSIDISK", 8);                 pin->irDriveRegs.bCommandReg = IDE_ATA_IDENTIFY;                pin->bDriveNumber = iDrive;                                 if( DeviceIoControl( hScsiDriveIOCTL, IOCTL_SCSI_MINIPORT,                    szBuffer,                    sizeof( SRB_IO_CONTROL ) + sizeof( SENDCMDINPARAMS ) - 1,                    szBuffer,                    sizeof( SRB_IO_CONTROL ) + SENDIDLENGTH,                    &dwResult, NULL ) )                {                    SENDCMDOUTPARAMS* pOut = ( SENDCMDOUTPARAMS* )( szBuffer + sizeof( SRB_IO_CONTROL ) );                    IDSECTOR* pId = ( IDSECTOR* )( pOut->bBuffer );                    if( pId->sModelNumber[0] )                    {                        if( * puSerialLen + 20U <= uMaxSerialLen )                        {                            // 序列号                            CopyMemory( dwSerial + * puSerialLen, ( ( USHORT* )pId ) + 10, 20 );                             // Cut off the trailing blanks                                                        UINT i;                            for (i = 20; i != 0U && ' ' == dwSerial[* puSerialLen + i - 1]; -- i )                            {}                            * puSerialLen += i;                             // 型号                            CopyMemory( dwSerial + * puSerialLen, ( ( USHORT* )pId ) + 27, 40 );                            // Cut off the trailing blanks                            for( i = 40; i != 0U && ' ' == dwSerial[* puSerialLen + i - 1]; -- i )                            {}                            * puSerialLen += i;                             bInfoLoaded = TRUE;                        }                        else                        {                            ::CloseHandle( hScsiDriveIOCTL );                            return bInfoLoaded;                        }                    }                }            }            ::CloseHandle( hScsiDriveIOCTL );        }    }    return bInfoLoaded;} BOOL DoIdentify( HANDLE hPhysicalDriveIOCTL, PSENDCMDINPARAMS pSCIP,                 PSENDCMDOUTPARAMS pSCOP, BYTE bIDCmd, BYTE bDriveNum,                 PDWORD lpcbBytesReturned ){    // Set up data structures for IDENTIFY command.    pSCIP->cBufferSize                  = IDENTIFY_BUFFER_SIZE;    pSCIP->irDriveRegs.bFeaturesReg     = 0;    pSCIP->irDriveRegs.bSectorCountReg  = 1;    pSCIP->irDriveRegs.bSectorNumberReg = 1;    pSCIP->irDriveRegs.bCylLowReg       = 0;    pSCIP->irDriveRegs.bCylHighReg      = 0;         // calc the drive number.    pSCIP->irDriveRegs.bDriveHeadReg = 0xA0 | ( ( bDriveNum & 1 ) << 4 );     // The command can either be IDE identify or ATAPI identify.    pSCIP->irDriveRegs.bCommandReg = bIDCmd;    pSCIP->bDriveNumber = bDriveNum;    pSCIP->cBufferSize = IDENTIFY_BUFFER_SIZE;         return DeviceIoControl( hPhysicalDriveIOCTL, DFP_RECEIVE_DRIVE_DATA,        ( LPVOID ) pSCIP,        sizeof( SENDCMDINPARAMS ) - 1,        ( LPVOID ) pSCOP,        sizeof( SENDCMDOUTPARAMS ) + IDENTIFY_BUFFER_SIZE - 1,        lpcbBytesReturned, NULL );} BOOL WinNTHDSerialNumASPhysicalRead( BYTE* dwSerial, UINT* puSerialLen, UINT uMaxSerialLen ){#define  DFP_GET_VERSION          0x00074080    BOOL bInfoLoaded = FALSE;     for( UINT uDrive = 0; uDrive < 4; ++ uDrive )    {        HANDLE hPhysicalDriveIOCTL = 0;         //  Try to get a handle to PhysicalDrive IOCTL, report failure        //  and exit if can't.        WCHAR szDriveName [256];        swprintf( szDriveName, _T("\\\\.\\PhysicalDrive%d"), uDrive );         //  Windows NT, Windows 2000, must have admin rights        hPhysicalDriveIOCTL = CreateFile( szDriveName,            GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,            FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL,            OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);         if( hPhysicalDriveIOCTL != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )        {            GETVERSIONOUTPARAMS VersionParams = { 0 };            DWORD               cbBytesReturned = 0;             // Get the version, etc of PhysicalDrive IOCTL            if( DeviceIoControl( hPhysicalDriveIOCTL, DFP_GET_VERSION,                NULL,                0,                &VersionParams,                sizeof( GETVERSIONOUTPARAMS ),                &cbBytesReturned, NULL ) )            {                // If there is a IDE device at number "i" issue commands                // to the device                if( VersionParams.bIDEDeviceMap != 0 )                {                    BYTE             bIDCmd = 0;   // IDE or ATAPI IDENTIFY cmd                    SENDCMDINPARAMS  scip = { 0 };                     // Now, get the ID sector for all IDE devices in the system.                    // If the device is ATAPI use the IDE_ATAPI_IDENTIFY command,                    // otherwise use the IDE_ATA_IDENTIFY command                    bIDCmd = ( VersionParams.bIDEDeviceMap >> uDrive & 0x10 ) ? IDE_ATAPI_IDENTIFY : IDE_ATA_IDENTIFY;                    BYTE IdOutCmd[sizeof( SENDCMDOUTPARAMS ) + IDENTIFY_BUFFER_SIZE - 1] = { 0 };                     if( DoIdentify( hPhysicalDriveIOCTL,                        &scip,                        ( PSENDCMDOUTPARAMS )&IdOutCmd,                        ( BYTE )bIDCmd,                        ( BYTE )uDrive,                        &cbBytesReturned ) )                    {                        if( * puSerialLen + 20U <= uMaxSerialLen )                        {                            CopyMemory( dwSerial + * puSerialLen, ( ( USHORT* )( ( ( PSENDCMDOUTPARAMS )IdOutCmd )->bBuffer ) ) + 10, 20 );  // 序列号                             // Cut off the trailing blanks                                                        UINT i;                            for (i = 20; i != 0U && ' ' == dwSerial[* puSerialLen + i - 1]; -- i )  {}                            * puSerialLen += i;                             CopyMemory( dwSerial + * puSerialLen, ( ( USHORT* )( ( ( PSENDCMDOUTPARAMS )IdOutCmd )->bBuffer ) ) + 27, 40 ); // 型号                             // Cut off the trailing blanks                            for (i = 40; i != 0U && ' ' == dwSerial[* puSerialLen + i - 1]; -- i )  {}                            * puSerialLen += i;                             bInfoLoaded = TRUE;                        }                        else                        {                            ::CloseHandle( hPhysicalDriveIOCTL );                            return bInfoLoaded;                        }                    }                }            }            CloseHandle( hPhysicalDriveIOCTL );        }    }    return bInfoLoaded;} UINT FindAwardBios( BYTE** pPBiosAddr ){    BYTE* pBiosAddr = * pPBiosAddr + 0xEC71;     BYTE szBiosData[128];    CopyMemory( szBiosData, pBiosAddr, 127 );    szBiosData[127] = 0;         int iLen = lstrlen((LPCWSTR)szBiosData);    if( iLen > 0 && iLen < 128 )    {        //AWard:         07/08/2002-i845G-ITE8712-JF69VD0CC-00        //Phoenix-Award: 03/12/2002-sis645-p4s333        if( szBiosData[2] == '/' && szBiosData[5] == '/' )        {            BYTE* p = szBiosData;            while( * p )            {                if( * p < ' ' || * p >= 127 )                {                    break;                }                ++ p;            }            if( * p == 0 )            {                * pPBiosAddr = pBiosAddr;                return ( UINT )iLen;            }        }    }    return 0;} UINT FindAmiBios( BYTE** ppBiosAddr ){    BYTE* pBiosAddr = * ppBiosAddr + 0xF478;         BYTE szBiosData[128];    CopyMemory( szBiosData, pBiosAddr, 127 );    szBiosData[127] = 0;             int iLen = lstrlen((LPCWSTR)szBiosData);    if( iLen > 0 && iLen < 128 )    {        // Example: "AMI: 51-2300-000000-00101111-030199-"        if( szBiosData[2] == '-' && szBiosData[7] == '-' )        {            BYTE* p = szBiosData;            while( * p )            {                if( * p < ' ' || * p >= 127 )                {                    break;                }                ++ p;            }            if( * p == 0 )            {                * ppBiosAddr = pBiosAddr;                return ( UINT )iLen;            }        }    }    return 0;} UINT FindPhoenixBios( BYTE** ppBiosAddr ){    UINT uOffset[3] = { 0x6577, 0x7196, 0x7550 };    for( UINT i = 0; i < 3; ++ i )    {        BYTE* pBiosAddr = * ppBiosAddr + uOffset[i];         BYTE szBiosData[128];        CopyMemory( szBiosData, pBiosAddr, 127 );        szBiosData[127] = 0;         int iLen = lstrlen((LPCWSTR)szBiosData);        if( iLen > 0 && iLen < 128 )        {            // Example: Phoenix "NITELT0.86B.0044.P11.9910111055"            if( szBiosData[7] == '.' && szBiosData[11] == '.' )            {                BYTE* p = szBiosData;                while( * p )                {                    if( * p < ' ' || * p >= 127 )                    {                        break;                    }                    ++ p;                }                if( * p == 0 )                {                    * ppBiosAddr = pBiosAddr;                    return ( UINT )iLen;                }            }        }    }    return 0;} // 网卡 MAC 地址,注意: MAC 地址是可以在注册表中修改的BOOL GetMac(LPBYTE lpInfo, UINT iSize, UINT &iCount){    UINT uErrorCode = 0;    IP_ADAPTER_INFO iai;    ULONG uSize = 0;    iCount = 0;    DWORD dwResult = GetAdaptersInfo(&iai, &uSize);    if (dwResult == ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW)    {        IP_ADAPTER_INFO* piai = (IP_ADAPTER_INFO*)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, uSize);        if (piai != NULL)        {            dwResult = GetAdaptersInfo(piai, &uSize);            if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwResult)            {                IP_ADAPTER_INFO* piai2 = piai;                while (piai2 != NULL && (iCount + piai2->AddressLength) < iSize)                {                    CopyMemory(lpInfo + iCount, piai2->Address, piai2->AddressLength );                    iCount += piai2->AddressLength;                    piai2 = piai2->Next;                                       }            }            else            {                uErrorCode = 0xF0000000U + dwResult;            }            VERIFY(HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, piai));        }        else        {            return FALSE;        }    }    else    {        uErrorCode = 0xE0000000U + dwResult;    }    if (uErrorCode != 0U)    {        return FALSE;    }    return TRUE;} // 硬盘序列号,注意:有的硬盘没有序列号BOOL GetDiskSerialNum(LPBYTE lpInfo, UINT iSize, UINT &iCount){    iCount = 0;    OSVERSIONINFO ovi = { 0 };    ovi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);    GetVersionEx(&ovi);     if (ovi.dwPlatformId != VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT)    {        // Only Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003...        return FALSE;    }    else    {            if (!WinNTHDSerialNumASPhysicalRead(lpInfo, &iCount, iSize))            {                return WinNTHDSerialNumAsScsiRead(lpInfo, &iCount, iSize);            }            return TRUE;    }    return FALSE;} BOOL GetCPUId(LPBYTE lpInfo, UINT iSize, UINT &iCount){    BOOL bException = FALSE;    BYTE szCpu[16]  = { 0 };    UINT uCpuID     = 0U;    iCount = 0;    __try    {        _asm        {            mov eax, 0            cpuid            mov dword ptr szCpu[0], ebx            mov dword ptr szCpu[4], edx            mov dword ptr szCpu[8], ecx            mov eax, 1            cpuid            mov uCpuID, edx        }    }    __except( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER )    {        bException = TRUE;    }     if (!bException)    {        CopyMemory(lpInfo + iCount, &uCpuID, sizeof(UINT));        iCount += sizeof(UINT);         uCpuID = (UINT)strlen((char *)szCpu);        CopyMemory(lpInfo + iCount, szCpu, uCpuID);        iCount += uCpuID;        return TRUE;    }    return FALSE;} BOOL GetBOISId(LPBYTE lpInfo, UINT iSize, UINT &iCount){    SIZE_T ssize;    iCount = 0;    LARGE_INTEGER so;    so.LowPart=0x000f0000;    so.HighPart=0x00000000;    ssize=0xffff;    wchar_t strPH[30] = _T("\\device\\physicalmemory");     DWORD ba=0;     UNICODE_STRING struniph;    struniph.Buffer = strPH;    struniph.Length = 0x2c;    struniph.MaximUMLength = 0x2e;     OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES obj_ar;    obj_ar.Attributes =64;    obj_ar.Length =24;    obj_ar.ObjectName=&struniph;    obj_ar.RootDirectory=0;    obj_ar.SecurityDescriptor=0;    obj_ar.SecurityQualityOfService =0;     HMODULE hinstLib = LoadLibrary(_T("ntdll.dll"));    ZWOS ZWopenS = (ZWOS)GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "ZwOpenSection");    ZWMV ZWmapV = (ZWMV)GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "ZwMapViewOfSection");    ZWUMV ZWunmapV = (ZWUMV)GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "ZwUnmapViewOfSection");     //调用函数,对物理内存进行映射    HANDLE hSection;    if (0 == ZWopenS(&hSection,4,&obj_ar) &&        0 == ZWmapV(        ( HANDLE )hSection,   //打开Section时得到的句柄        ( HANDLE )0xFFFFFFFF, //将要映射进程的句柄,        &ba,                  //映射的基址        0,        0xFFFF,               //分配的大小        &so,                  //物理内存的地址        &ssize,               //指向读取内存块大小的指针        1,                    //子进程的可继承性设定        0,                    //分配类型        2                     //保护类型        ) )    //执行后会在当前进程的空间开辟一段64k的空间,并把f000:0000到f000:ffff处的内容映射到这里    //映射的基址由ba返回,如果映射不再有用,应该用ZwUnmapViewOfSection断开映射    {        BYTE* pBiosSerial = (BYTE*)ba;        UINT uBiosSerialLen = FindAwardBios(&pBiosSerial);        if (uBiosSerialLen == 0U)        {            uBiosSerialLen = FindAmiBios(&pBiosSerial);            if (uBiosSerialLen == 0U)            {                uBiosSerialLen = FindPhoenixBios(&pBiosSerial);            }        }        if (uBiosSerialLen != 0U)        {            CopyMemory(lpInfo + iCount, pBiosSerial, uBiosSerialLen);            iCount += uBiosSerialLen;        }        ZWunmapV((HANDLE)0xFFFFFFFF, ( void* )ba);        return TRUE;    }    return FALSE;} BOOL Get(){    BYTE szSystemInfo[4096]; // 在程序执行完毕后,此处存储取得的系统特征码  UINT uSystemInfoLen = 0; // 在程序执行完毕后,此处存储取得的系统特征码的长度     return TRUE;} /**************************************************************** This is a sample routine of base64 algorithm.The goal is to illustrate principles,so some details may be ignored. Author email:zhangwu2003@163.com*****************************************************************/ char *  ch64="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; unsigned char *Base64Encode(unsigned char *src,int srclen){ int n,buflen,i,j; int pading=0; unsigned char *buf; static unsigned char *dst;  buf=src; buflen=n=srclen; if(n%3!=0)  /* pad with '=' by using a temp buffer */ {  pading=1;  buflen=n+3-n%3;  buf=(unsigned char *)malloc(buflen+1);  memset(buf,0,buflen+1);  memcpy(buf,src,n);  for(i=0;i<3-n%3;i++)   buf[n+i]='='; } dst=(unsigned char *)malloc(buflen*4/3+1); memset(dst,0,buflen*4/3+1); for(i=0,j=0;i
>2; dst[j+1]=((buf[i]&0x03)<<4) + ((buf[i+1]&0xF0)>>4); dst[j+2]=((buf[i+1]&0x0F)<<2) + ((buf[i+2]&0xC0)>>6); dst[j+3]=buf[i+2]&0x3F; } for(i=0;i
>4); dst[j+1]=((src[i+1]&0x0F)<<4) + ((src[i+2]&0x3C)>>2); dst[j+2]=((src[i+2]&0x03)<<6) + src[i+3]; } return dst;}



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